Wednesday, January 22, 2025

WhatsApp new Amazing features and Tricks in 2020.

WhatsApp has sent a new update, i.e. H. version 2.20.171, through the Google Play Beta program. The instant messaging app recently enabled support for beta QR codes on iOS and Android.

This new feature allows users to add contacts with QR codes similar to Snapchat (with snap codes). While this is a minor feature, adding contacts to WhatsApp is much easier. Currently, users cannot update their WhatsApp contact list without adding the number to their smartphone's address book. This is an extra step that can be bypassed with QR codes.

Just like with Snapchat, users can also share their WhatsApp QR code over the internet. If you receive spam or don't want to share the QR code with a specific person, you can easily revoke it.

If you are interested, find the new feature in the application settings menu under the "QR code" section. You have the option to generate your own QR code and scan another one.

The functionality is currently in beta. Therefore, we don't know when the main program will be released.

An other very useful feature of the beta application to add the 50 people's in a one video chat room.

Also Read : WhatsApp Helpline for Coronavirus

How we can video Chat with 50 peoples?

WhatsApp has recently launched a new update for video chat with 50 people in a single chat room.

To use the this Beautiful feature follw the following steps.

  • Create a Room in calls option.
  • After creating chat room, select continue in messenger and try it option.
  • Now your video link is ready.
  • Share it with your friends and family members.
  • Start Chatting with your loved one's.

Learn on the WhatsApp offcial FAQ page

How to send WhatsApp messages without adding as contact?

Sending a WhatsApp messages without adding as a contact is no more complicated just follow the simple steps and send a WhatsApp message to any mobile number.

Click on this Url

  • Open the in your mobile or desktop browser.
  • Enter the mobile number in XXXX with out plus sign(+) starting in front of no.
  • After clicking on enter it will redirect to you your mobile application.
  • Start a chat with any one with out saving in your contact list.

You can also change the font of chat by typing (`) in three times in front or last of your message it will change the font.

If you want to change the your message to bold format in WhatsApp just type * in front and last of messge like *Hello*.

If you want to change the your message to italic format in WhatsApp just  type _ in front and last of messge like _Hello_.

If you want to change the your message to striketrough format in WhatsApp just  type ~ in front and last of messge like ~Hello~.

If someone has unchecked the raed recipient option , this option will allow the users to make confirmation either thier messages are being read or not, by using this mesage you will also not be able to know the other people's blue tick status.

If you wants to keep the blue tick option live and also want to read the messge just follow this amazing trick.

When you receive the message turn on the airplane mode and read the message, the sender will not be able to know until you reopen the WhatsApp application.

Please let us know in comments box for these useful feature.

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