The Chief minister Usman Buzdar has put aside Rs. 130 million for financial support from lawyers affected by the Corona virus lock. A government official briefed the Lahore High Court (LHC) at a hearing on Monday.
The Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of Lahore, Muhammad Qasim Khan, hears a petition from the secretary of the LHC Law Society, Haroon Dugal, against the lack of government support for the attorneys affected by the closure.
During the litigation in court, Dugal argued that lawyers who earn their living by doing legal work face an acute financial crisis. He said the government, which supports all parts of the community, should also help lawyers.
At the hearing on Friday, the supreme judge set up a six-member committee to investigate an economic model that would help lawyers in need. On Monday, Pakistani councilor Azam Nazir Tarar, also a member of the committee, informed the court that the provincial government had provided Rs. 130 million for the cause. Punjab’s attorney general, Shan Gul, who chaired the committee, was also present at the court.
CJ Khan has postponed the hearing until next Monday, because the money must be deposited into the LHCBA account within three days. He also urged the federal government to make money available to lawyers during these testing times.