Friday, July 5, 2024

Social Media is not Free now in Pakistan

Islamabad: The federal cabinet approved a social media Regulatory policy, (National coordination Authority)in this regard all social media platforms are required to get the registration within three months.

This policy is applicable on all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Dailymotion,Like and many others international social media companies.

A social Media company build a office in the capital of Pakistan Islamabad and they will deploy a Relationship Officer in the office.The Relationship Officer will be in touch and it will be compulsory to build a data server in a one year.

"A Social Media Company shall deploy proactive mechanisms to ensure prevention of live streaming through Online Systems in Pakistan of any content in violation of any law, rule, regulation for the time being in force or instruction of the National Coordinator

Particularly regarding online content related to terrorism, extremism, hate speeches, defamation, fake news, incitement for violence and national security."
"shall remove, suspend or disable access to such account, online content of citizens of Pakistan residing outside its territorial boundaries...posts on online content that arefake news/defamation,violates,religious, cultural, ethnic, or national security sensitivities.

A social media will be bound to remove the social content which is against the violation (Posting against th he Governent Department and the National security issues), incase of no support from the social media company

,The company will be fined up to 0.5 Billon or discontinued the services in the Pakistan.

By applying this policy the Law Enforcement agencies and other intelligence services departments will also be able to take action against the accused one's.

As social media platforms provides fun and entertainment but the dark side of social media there are many fake news and no any censorship against some critical matters by applying this policy the Pakistan Govt is going to nip the totally free freedom of expression

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