HomeTechnologySNGPL& SSGC Bill App launches digital billings & Payments services

SNGPL& SSGC Bill App launches digital billings & Payments services


Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited (SNGPL) has launched a mobile app that allows consumers to pay for their gas bill at home with digital payment services, The petroleum division spokesman said in an official statement that the division ordered the two gas companies, SNGPL and SSGCL, to take immediate action to help people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In accordance with the guidelines of the Petroleum Division, Gas Utilities has shifted billing and payment services from traditional methods to digital services through its billing apps.

The petroleum department and its affiliates continue to strive to serve the public in the midst of the pandemic.

According to the exclusive instructions of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. As a result, consumers may now be able to pay their gas bill through the SNGPL billing app. You can also view and pay your invoices via the mobile application. The same mobile app will be available from SSGC soon.

Invoices can also be submitted via internet banking, mobile banking, digital payment, etc. Gas invoices for the next crucial months can be paid in three easy installments during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, the price of oil products has already been reduced by 15 rupees to help the common man and was part of the economic emergency package announced by the Prime Minister.

In addition, according to the spokesperson, the two Sui companies work around the clock to provide customers with priority gas supply through dedicated teams.

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