HomeTechnologyGovt to launch App for plantation tracking with geotagging technology

Govt to launch App for plantation tracking with geotagging technology


The prime minister’s special assistant for youth, Usman Dar, announced on Sunday that the government has launched a movement to track ongoing plantations in the country using geotagging technology.

According to a press release, the request was prepared by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) to track all plantings planted as part of the country’s first digital plantation campaign.

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A special geotagging feature has been added to the application to allow forest officials to keep track of plantation data.

Usman Dar said the residential location and the number of seedlings planted are identified by the application.

Additionally, a green selfie feature has been introduced in the app that allows volunteers to upload their photos while planting a tree plant, he added.

He said it is the first time in the country’s history that modern technology has been used to run a plantation in the country.

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