HomeEducationFederal Directorate of Education issues COVID-19 SOP's for School reopening

Federal Directorate of Education issues COVID-19 SOP’s for School reopening


The Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) has set guidelines for school staff and parents before the federal government’s (FG) educational institutions reopen next week.

In this context, the FDE spokesperson indicates that a number of standard operating instructions (SOPs) have been issued to school staff and parents. He added that school leaders have been instructed to ensure that there are no more than 25 students per year in the class. Class. He said all schools should arrange tuition on alternate days as compensation to ensure strength limits.

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According to standard procedures, the body temperatures of people entering the facilities would be monitored and remedied as well.

There would be a ban on hosting gatherings or events of any kind pending further orders, the spokesman said.

Parents were advised to ensure that school bus drivers maintain a social distance. They were told to send their kids with face masks, be it a cloth. Parents were asked not to send their children to school if they fell ill with a cold, fever and a runny nose.

The spokesman said if the disease symptoms persist for a long time, students who feel sick for two to three days should undergo coronavirus testing.

The official said parents should notify facilities if their child tests positive for the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, education experts urged school boards on Tuesday not to panic over the reopening of schools, and each department should take responsibility for following the guidelines to be safe from a Covid-19 pandemic, as this is still the case. is not over.

Teach students the precautions to take when contracting Covid-19, especially when using common surfaces such as door handles, furniture, armrests, tables, books, computer audio / video equipment, playground equipment, and other common objects. , experts stressed when talking about a recent program on Radio Pakistan.

Vice Chancellor of Quaid-i-Azam University, Dr. Muhammad Ali said: “We have decided to run the courses on a rotating basis. This routine is used for almost two months, after which the new schedule is implemented depending on the situation. “

Wearing masks in educational settings is mandatory for teachers, students and staff, he added.

See fellow professor Naeem Dar adds that there should be two meters between the students in a class. This means that a class is divided into sections that require additional faculties.

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