What is Corona Virus?
The Corona virus which is known also a Chinese virus which is started from a Chinese city Yuhan.This virus is transmitted into the humans by by animals and birds.
SARS and MERS are examples of these viruses the MERS is the middle eastern virus and the SARS is severe acute respiratory syndrome.
MERS came from camels and MERS from the cats and Corona is suspected from the snakes.But still scientists are not sure about the origin of this virus.This one is also known as 2019 nCov virus.
What does Corona do with Human Body?
As earlier told it is same as SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) so it affects the respiratory system causing the SOB short of breathing, coughing, and fever.
When ever you are infected from the virus the symptoms will start in 2 to 14 days after the infection of this virus.This virus is more dangerous to the aged people and having some respiratory issue are already going on and it will be also more dangerous those peoples who has the weak immune system.
Transmission into Human body
As the intro section told the virus is originated from the animals eating the meats of these affected animals and touching them.Now it is also spreading from human to human by fluid of sneezing and coughing.
What if you have been infected?
Unfortunately there is no cure and vaccine available in medical treatment how ever some safety precautions and symptomatic treatment can be used to prevent the longer effects and by improving the immune system to fight with virus. Scientists are trying to make the preventive vaccine which can take more than a year.
Safety Precautions
If you’re infected with Corona virus keep you body calm and improve the immune system if you get more stressed about the infection the virus will be more dangerous,release the stress and do the these steps.
In Pakistan there is no laboratory to test the presence of virus in the body
- Wash your hand at least 20 second with mild soap or hand wash.
- Use alcoholic sanitizer.
- Cover your mouth with mask.
- Cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing.
- When ever you see the symptoms remain in a room and avoid the physical contact with others.
- Consult the doctors if you see any symptoms with your body or family members.
- Avoid the populated areas.
- Avoid to plan the trip in the China.
- Avoid to take the disprin and brufin take Paracetamol if you feeling fever
Please share with other these safety precautions with your loved one’s.