Prime Minister Imran Khan decided on Tuesday to give young people in the country more entrepreneurship opportunities by increasing the credit limits under the Kamyab Jawan program from 5 million rupees to 25 million rupees.
The decision was made during a meeting with the prime minister’s economic adviser, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh and Usman Dar, the prime minister’s special assistant to youth, said in a press release on the prime minister’s media wing.
It was also decided to cut interest rates from the current 8% to borrowed amounts and involve all banks in the Kamyab Jawan program.
At the meeting, the Prime Minister also requested to speed up the process of distributing the amounts among the candidates after the current situation had improved. He said the country’s youth should be expanded with more opportunities and facilities.
Prime Minister Imran mentioned the important role of young people in stabilizing the country’s economy and noted that once the barriers have been removed, young people should encourage young people to become small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
The prime minister also stated that young people are the real capital of the country and that the government wants to continue to invest in it.