
On dated 16th January Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) released a press about to ban the Kashif Abbasi Program on ARY News “OFF THE RECORD “for 60 days.

The program was aired on 14th January on ARY news with host Mr Faisal vowda,Mr Qmar Zaman Kaira and Mr Javed Abbasi. In the start of program Mr Faisal Vowda started his arguments with a very unethical way,arguments made by Mr Faisal Vowda was very flippant and showed a very non serious attitude on a live show to debase a institution.

Whereas, role of programme host Mr. Kashif Abbasi was quite unprofessional who actuallydid not intervene or stopped that unethical act performed by one of the panelists during a live show rather took the entire incident casually and kept smiling/ cherishing such occurrence.

Whereas, content aired live during the programme “OFF THE RECORD” prima-facieappears to be a willful attempt to debase and demean a statc institution by dragging it unnecessarily in a debate.

This act of the host is also in violation of clauses 3(1(e, j), 4(7(b), 4(10), 5, 13 and 17 of Electronic Media (Programmes and Advertisements) Code of Conduct, 2015, read with Section 27(a) of PEMRA Ordinance 2002 as amended by PEMRA (Amendment) Act 2007.

Therefore, in view of the afore-mentioned reasons the competent authority decides as broadcast of programme titled “OFF THE RECORD” is prohibited with immediate effect
for 60 (Sixty) days starting from January 16, 2020.
Appearance of host of the programme Mr. Kashif Abbasi is also banned for 60 (Sixty) days. During the ban he shall not conduct this show “OFF THE RECORD” or shall not appear on “ARY News” or any other television channel as a guest / analyst or expert.

In case of non-compliance by “ARY News” the Authority shall proceed under PEMRA laws
which may result in suspension’ revocation of satellite TV channel conferred to M/s. ARY Communication Pvt. Ltd. “ARY News”.

Nevertheless, any licensees, which provides its
platform to Mr. Kashif Abbasi in any manner shall also be prosecuted under Section 29 &
30 of the PEMRA Ordinance 2002 as amended PEMRA (Amendment) Act 2007.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.

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