HomeTechnologyInternational Telecommunications Union Ranked Pakistan as G4 regulator

International Telecommunications Union Ranked Pakistan as G4 regulator


Pakistan is the first South Asian country to be classified as a fourth-generation regulator (G4) by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

According to the ITU report “Global ICT Regulatory Outlook 2020 (GIRO)“, only 8% of the 38 economies in Asia Pacific achieved G4 status.

However, Pakistan scored 88 out of 100, meaning that ICT regulation is driven by economic and social policy goals.

GIRO is based on data from 193 countries that form the basis of the “ICT Regulatory Tracker”. The tracker functions as an evidence-based tool with which decision-makers and supervisors can monitor the rapid development of ICT regulation.

With a global ranking of 48, Pakistan was also among the top five regulators across the Asia-Pacific region.

The report also highlights Pakistan’s path to cooperation regulation, which is explained in a separate section of the report. Full marks in the regulator, 22/30 for the regulatory system and 27/28 for the competitive framework, give Pakistan 19/22 for the regulatory mandate.

In this regard, the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) is committed to setting new international standards by continuing to defend consumer interests and strengthen public-private partnerships in digital change and Pakistan’s overall socio-economic upgrade.

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