Monday, January 27, 2025


Chinese Newspaper confirmed, China is to send about 100,000 ducks army to eat the locust in Pakistan.As per information a Chinese poultry company has prepared one lakh ducks troops based in the zhejiyang province to fight the locusts in the Pakistan.

In Pakistan,Locusts have severely damaged the green fields of farmland about 30,000 square kilometers area.Some of farmers have reported these locust has destroyed the every thing, these locusts has eaten the grass, wheat,sugarcane and many other crops.

Pakistan has declared a national emergency, to deal this Emergency Chinese experts arrived in Pakistan.These expert will analyze the situation will share the ideas to get rid it off.

Chinese team in Pakistan
A Chinese experts to deal with locusts

A Punjab livestock department official Dr Khurshed,who has formulated the community based locust control plan.In this plan people's will get paid if they caught the locusts and sell to the Department.

Community Based locust control program

This Chinese duck army, will fight with locusts by eating them,an average a duck can eat approx 200 locusts per day,these biological weapons will use to combat with locusts plague.

These locusts are spreading from The south Africa deserts to south Asia and china has border with Pakistan and India so chinese are proactively planning to get rid it off.

As per information, these ducks are more useful than the pesticide sprays or Chickens,one of the biggest challenge will be handle these ducks as these ducks relay on the water and it will be more challenging in summer season where the ambient temperatures is high.

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